Abacus Care Coordination

Business Process Automation

We decided to put Abacus out front as this is the perfect sort of business that we're intended tho help Abacus is a small agency of a dozen employees that provides case management for disabled people.   Between who they serve and money in the bank is a series of steps that are repeated for each client each month. 

The Problem

Starting with the staff having to perform a less than pleasant task, someone approves their work, data from the documents they produce is used in the billing process, not only does the documentation get tracked, there's two pieces of documentation, for some clients.  Other's there's only one, The documents are tracked for audit purposes, pieces of information have specifics involved in billing that needs to be copied in a specific format, then that information is used in developing payroll as well as billing.  This information is entered on the state website (a time senstive and intensive task) and then the state authorizes payment, Certain parts of the output are used to produce the following months billing as well.  This information is all tracked so that they employee's are properly paid, their services are properly billed and their documentation is tracked for audit.  Each employee generates roughly 6 hours per monthy of processes that have been automated.  See below to see how much money we've saved them. 

Automation White Paper Pdf
PDF – 52.5 KB 18 downloads

The Solution

The source of the problem is an antiquated system of do a visit, write a note, make sure the note qualifies, make sure there's enough notes, collect the data, use the data to pay the staff, use the data to bill the payer, document the payment, ensure it's rec'd.  We started with something to shorten the time the staff member takes to produce a note,   We started with a simple Microsoft roduct Abacus already had, built a process of recording info about the client visit that saved time and energy.  This made producing the note easier and made the staff happy.  The data lives on a worksheet, and is then an output is provided to the staff member and the data used for payroll & billing separated from the rest. This was then tabulated and provided to the payroll department.  The data entry task was then reduced further by eliminating a manual process. Then the data entry for billing was automated.  The money shows up in the bank and the amount of time per staff member went from six hours per month to less than 30 minutes.  Abacus saved over $16K per year, the expenses each month for these services are less than $250.